
Registration Form

If you have any inquiries regarding the program, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at [email protected] or through WhatsApp at 083812310368. We appreciate your choice to enroll in the Ultimate Education preparation course.

Personal Information

Set your e-Learning account

(The password must have at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit(s), at least 1 lower case letter(s), at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 special character(s) such as *, -, or #)

How did you come to know Ultimate Education

Upload your payment receipt

Please carefully read and understand the following:

Information Regarding Your Upcoming Course

1. The session will commence as planned.

2. Your course materials, encompassing the student book, will be disseminated to you 48 hours ahead of the program's inaugural day.

3. If you cannot attend the class in person, the Zoom link will be provided at least one hour before the start. However, please confirm your attendance 24 hours in advance.

4. At the program's outset, an initial assessment (pre-test) will be conducted to ascertain your current proficiency and educational needs.

5. Throughout the duration of the course, an array of advantages awaits you, including:

  • Complimentary weekly practice assessments with comprehensive feedback.
  • Question booklets and answer sheets dispatched 2-3 times a week for one-on-one tutoring and once a week for group classes.
  • Opportunity to submit the answer sheet via email to [email protected] (subject line: "Practice Tests") within two days of receipt.
  • Feedback on your weekly practice evaluations delivered to your email inbox within one week of submission.
  • Free consultations on crafting a statement of purpose (draft required). Consultations via email at [email protected] or Zoom (schedule queries in advance, appointments with 1-day lead time, 30-minute sessions, once every three weeks). Address prior feedback before additional consultations.
  • Free speaking class every Tuesday and Thursday, 18:30-19:30 (schedule changes notified). Maximum two to three rescheduled class sessions allowed with 24-hour notice (applicable to one-on-one tutoring only).

6. Upon the culmination of your program, a conclusive assessment will be administered to evaluate your progress.

7. Even after the program ends, you'll continue to enjoy access to various benefits, including the speaking class.

8. Following program completion, you'll receive a certificate approximately two weeks after the post-test.

9. Following the closure of the program, you shall be duly conferred with a certificate, the dispatch of which shall be effected approximately two weeks subsequent to the post-test.

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!

We kindly request that you wait for 1×24 hours for your e-Learning account to be processed. Once your account has been created, you will be able to log in at