Differences Between “This,” “That,” “These,” and “Those”
English uses four common words: “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those”. Although they may seem simple, the usage of these words can be confusing for those who are learning English. This article will explain the differences among these four words and provide examples of their usage, so you can use them correctly and effectively.
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Introduction and Differences of “This,” “That,” “These,” and “Those”
What is “This”?
Speakers use “this” to refer to a single object close to them or at the moment of speaking.
What is “That”?
“That” is used to refer to a single object that is far from the speaker or the conversation.
What is “These”?
“These” is used to refer to two or more objects that are near to the speaker or at the time of speaking.
What is “Those”?
“Those” is used to refer to two or more objects that are far from the speaker or the conversation.
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Usage of “This” in Sentences
Using “This” for Nearby Objects
“This is my book.” (Ini adalah bukuku.)
Here, “this” is used to refer to the book that is near to the speaker.
Using “This” for Approaching Time
“I’ll complete this task today.” (Saya akan menyelesaikan tugas ini hari ini.)
Here, “this” is used to refer to the approaching time (today) at the time of speaking.
Usage of “That” in Sentences
Using “That” for Distant Objects
“That sunset is so pretty.” (Itu adalah matahari terbenam yang sangat indah.)
Here, “that” is used to refer to the sunset that is far from the speaker.
Using “That” for Distant Time
“I met him in 1990, and since that day, we have been friends.” (Saya bertemu dengannya pada tahun 1990, dan sejak hari itu, kami menjadi teman.)
Here, “that” is used to refer to the distant time (1990) from the time of speaking.
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Usage of “These” in Sentences
Using “These” for Approximate Number of Objects
“These flowers are lovely.” (Bunga-bunga ini indah.)
Here, “these” is used to refer to the flowers that are near to the speaker.
Usage of “Those” in Sentences
Using “Those” for Distant Number of Objects
“Those structures are ruins from long ago.” (Gedung-gedung itu adalah runtuh sejak lama.)
Here, “those” is used to refer to the structures that are far from the speaker.
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Fundamental Differences Among “This,” “That,” “These,” and “Those”
Differences in Distance and Number
The main difference between “this” and “that” is in their distance, where “this” refers to objects close to the speaker, and “that” refers to objects far from the speaker. Meanwhile, “these” and “those” differ in the number of objects referred, with “these” for nearby objects and “those” for distant objects.
Differences in Time Usage
“this” and “these” are used to refer to approaching time or ongoing conversation, while “that” and “those” are used to refer to time far from the conversation.
Common Mistakes in Usage
Using “This” or “These” for Distant Objects
“I want to buy this shirt over there.” (Saya ingin membeli baju ini di sana.)
It should be “that” used because the shirt is far from the speaker.
Using “That” or “Those” for Nearby Objects
“That bird is sitting on these branches.” (Burung itu sedang duduk di cabang-cabang itu.)
It should be “those” used because the branches are near to the speaker.
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By understanding the differences between “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those,” you can use these words accurately in your English conversations. Remember always to pay attention to the distance and number of objects you want to refer to avoid usage errors. Practice using them in various situations and contexts can also help enhance your understanding of their usage.
What is the difference between “this” and “that” in everyday usage?
The main difference between “this” and “that” is their distance. “This” is used for objects close to the speaker, while “that” is used for objects far from the speaker.
How to avoid mistakes in using “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those”?
To avoid mistakes, pay attention to the distance and number of objects you want to refer to. Use “this” or “these” for nearby objects, and use “that” or “those” for distant objects.
How is “these” used in sentences?
Example of using “these”: “These are fascinating novels.” (Ini adalah novel-novel memukau.)
When should “those” be used in sentences?
Use “those” when you want to refer to two or more objects that are far from the conversation, for example: “I love those old photographs.” (Saya suka foto-foto lama itu.)
Tag:these, those, what is that, what is this